Wednesday, August 24, 2011

Starting from the beginning, again.

For the third time.
Yes, I removed all my previous posts including the blog itself and this is my third time doing so.
Because I can that's why.
Ok hands down, I do have an explanation for it but I prefer to keep it to myself.
So now here I am forming a new blog and posting the first post without any followers, at all.
I don't really mind though as I don't expect anyone would be interested to read my blog.

There are 9 days remaining and when the count down reaches zero, I will be called as a 'Mahasiswa Universiti Malaya.' :)  Alhamdulillah, I am admitted to the law faculty of the said University and I know it is not easy to get here so I was very surprised, happy and grateful as soon as I was informed by UPU that I am offered to study here.

This is the law faculty, pretty isn't it?

I have heard from many of my seniors who is studying here saying that UM's standard is superbly high and if I wanted to survive as a Mahasiswa here I really have to struggle. But this is what I really wished for, this is what I struggled during my foundation studies in UiTM for and I don't want to waste this opportunity. InsyaAllah, with help from Him and support from family members, relatives and friends, I believe I could face all the obstacles.

Ok enough about me already I don't want to sound as if I am very important to everyone. I promise I will try my best to make this blog useful and informative for everyone and not just stories of myself. 


  1. weeeee! hai hai coursemate! :D
    ehem2.. im ur first associate! :D

  2. oh hello there course mate ^^
    thank you for following me :D
